Grab a cup of tea. Hold it to your heart. Let it warm your center. Bring the inside out.
Wrap yourself in a blanket. Up around your shoulders and drape it down your back. Imagine yourself a bear cozying up in her den. Reposition. Curl up. Exhale.
Close your eyes. Let your mind drift off. Just for a bit. See if you can find a place of balance. Like an egg perfectly resting in its nest. Like a baby perfectly resting in its mother's womb. Perfectly at peace. Not a thought. Not a care. We are finding the quiet place in our inner world.
Tap into the movement that brings you deeper. Remember there is richness in the stillness. There is depth in the darkness. There is a safety in the embrace.
The Sun's deepest and longest transit is now. Dipping into the vastness of the Underworld, he reminds himself that he will rise again. No matter how far down and out, he is always on course. The second he sets somewhere, he is rising somewhere else. This is the Sun's magic.
Find your Sun. Your place of brilliance and light. Your place of inner knowing and limitlessness. The place inside yourself that cannot and will not be extinguished. Most times our Sun shines brightest in the darkness. This is where we see our gift the clearest. We see the miracle.
Peace is holding onto your Sun even when it takes the longest route to rise. It is knowing that you are at one with the rhythms of the Universe. Flowing effortlessly forever, no matter light or dark. An endless loop of ups and downs. And you in the center of it all. Just you. Perfectly you. Always.
solstice stitching and tree bundles as offerings for the new cycle