I throw around giving up Happy Belly every single Friday when I'm hip-deep in a 14 hour shift
There is something about this business that just grinds away at humanity
I've been working 7 days a week for 7 months straight and it's somehow still not enough
The needs of a business tear you down and build you back up into a more strategic, laser-focused machine of a person
But I chose a renegade soul when I was born-- one who wants to burn shit to the ground to see what will happen, one who trusts that I can always build better
I've been feeling the intense fire to do something different-- to write, to film, to speak
But the baking list keeps getting longer
Not sure if this is an emotional phase or if the adjustments need to happen, but I wanted to share
People think that we're a beacon of light and creativity (at least that's what they tell us), but sometimes the grind finds me in a sad and overwhelmed place and it just rolls me
October is the DARKEST month
My dad passed away from an aneurysm in October. I laid his ashes to rest 7 years later at the portal at Callanish in Scotland in October
My grandfather, my closest thing to a soulmate, was born in October. He sent me Callum in October
B and I celebrate our anniversary (plus the ups and downs that have brought us closer and added to our resentments) in October
I transitioned into Happy Belly being my independent solo deal in October after a heartbreaking miscarriage
Work has been suffocating lately
Relentless really
I put every bit of me in the food I'm making each week. This is an act of therapy and radical honesty
I process every thing I'm going through while doing this work. So the beauty and height of it all, is from work done in the trenches
There are no love and light mantras being prayed over your food
It is tears and anger and hope and despair and all the little bits of me that I don't like sharing with others but I can somehow channel into these creations
It's the real shit
I'm saying this to show I'm human. To show we're all human. No pedestal necessary. No fucking guru in front of you
(yesterday we celebrated 18 years of being together and dredging the shit)
bea and brandon in kinderhook on our 18th anniversary